Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wedding Gitters

So ever since I got engaged it seems like alot of my married friends are going through divorces or troubling issues which could lead into a divorce. Some have been married for a while, while others haven't even made it to a year yet! I know that Mark and I will make it. I know that deep in my heart... But its still scary to be planning your wedding and then get terrible news from close friends about how they are going through this horrible time.. It seems like in todays time marriage isn't a taken as a sacred commitment. I was raised on the concept that marriage/wedding was a one time deal. You make that commitment there isn't any turning back. It seems like now its a.. "well lets take the next step and try it out" kind of deal. Its definatly scary, and sad. My heart goes out to all those couples that are struggling and dealing with these issues. Whenever I am bummed by such news, Mark knows exactly how to make me feel better and I think he understands my concern. Has anyone else felt this way before?


  1. (this ended up being longer than I expected... haha, sorry)

    It is scary and sad when our generation starts becoming the 'statistics' of divorce. But how great if we change the statistics? :) I believe *almost* all divorces stem from selfishness in one way or another (maybe all, I just havent thought about it long enough). In marriage it is all about concern for the other person - caring about them more than yourself, letting go of your pride. Being best friends! Hard times are bound to come, but its the whole 'mend it, don't end it" mentality more people need -- people are too often looking for the 'easy' solution which results in heartbreak. It isn't always easy, but it is so, so worth it - and you grow and become a better person for it! No wonder Heavenly Father has commanded us to marry and have families! :) There is NO other joy like it. Hands down.
    No worries, you guys will be great!!!

  2. The family that prays TOGETHER ....
    STAYS together!
    If marriage can be destroyed; that takes care of the "mininature church", (holy families), along with priests, religious, great leaders, great teachers, etc., etc.
    Bring ALL your troubles to the LORD FIRST; and then to each other. People are not following the Lord's commandments; and so end up in darkness. When in darkness, you have no discernment. We are without God's armour to win the battle that comes with our life's vocation. You can't succeed in marriage or anything else, without following sincerely the commandments.
    "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
    May God pour His blessings on you both, Mary Alice and Mark. Live sincerely the commandments of the Lord and you will be gems in Jesus and Mary's crowns.
    We send you our love and prayers!
    Ralph & Kathleen

  3. Don't forget to pray the rosary together EVERY day! It has so much power ..... so much power!!!
