Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 2: Close and Longest friend

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest

When I was first asked this question I couldn't think of a friend that I have known the longest vs the closeness... I have had friends that I've known for a very long time, however throughout the years the closeness fades away. So I couldn't think of any one else better for this subject other than my Mom.

Growing up I had friends that would tell me that their best friend was their Mom. I remember thinking, how strange... But now look at me.. I guess I have developed into one of those strange friends I met when I was young. I wouldn't have it any other way either.

My Mom has always been a mother that I could come to no matter what. Whether it was being stressed out about a test, boys, friends, or just plain ol' having a sad moment in life. She was one who always had an open shoulder for me to cry on or even open arms to hug. I remember growing up I would always sit on the counter in the kitchen and we would spend hours just talking about life.

Yeah, Mom and me have had our moments where we weren't agreeing with one another. However, we have always managed to get through it together.

If it wasn't for my Mom I wouldn't be the person I am today. She taught me right from wrong, how to pray, how to put others before myself and etc... She is a strong, faithful, remarkable mother. I hope that I too will be like her while raising Madyson. That Madyson and I will grow up not only as daughter and Mother.. but as friends that can count on each other.


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