Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 6: Trading places

A person you'd love to trade places with for a day

This is an extremely hard question.. Honestly, no one.. But I know that isn't any fun... So I know I have to pick someone. If I had to pick one person it honestly would be a toss up....
  • I could pick someone famous with lots of money, just so I would know the fun of not worrying about money for a day, but.. I mean seriously.. Money isn't everything..

  • I could pick my sister to see what its like to be a stay at home mom with 5 little ones, but honestly, she'd let me live her life any day....

  • I thought about my dogs... just to see what it would feel like to not be able to talk to people, see how they honestly feel with Madyson in the picture now, how it would feel to sleep all day, and how I would feel if my owner didn't play with me.. and etc... but it says a person.. so moving on

  • I thought about Mark.. About being him for a day.. Going to his work, working with a bunch of guys and hear the girl trash talk, just to see what the guys say about their wives and girlfriends.. haha.... See what he does at work exactly, how he feels when I talk about things that Mady did.. If he gets upset he wasn't there to witness it... Does he get disappointed but keeps it covered up? but I feel that's kind of boring because he normally tells me everything that happens at work and we are both so open to each other that I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much I thought I would..

  • so I guess if I had to pick anyone, I would choose Mady. Mostly because I want to know what she's thinking. The reasons she hates tummy time or the reason she cries for no reason it seems to me. Sometimes she gets into a crying fit and I have to get up and walk around the house and she just stops. I know she wasn't hungry or sleepy, and she didn't hurt herself. She was playing nicely then out of no where she was upset. Or why she fights to be put to sleep sometimes. I think if I could live a day of her life, I would be a better parent and understand fully why she sometimes does the things she does. Like laugh at the simple things in life that I over look. It would give me a new prospective in life I believe.
When I started this challenge I did not mean to talk about Mady so much.. It was a goal to only pick one person each challenge, however we can see how good that's going for me so far... What can I say... I'm a new mom and I love it!

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